Myčka sudov
Jemné, efektívne a efektívne riešenie na umývanie viacerých druhov plodínKapacita až 100 tphDĺžky sudov od 3m do 6mPriemery hlavne od 900 mm do 1700 mmViaceré konfigurácie vyhovujú rôznym aplikáciámRobustný dizajn a konštrukciaŠetrné k úrodeHygienický dizajn exoskeletuEfektívne a nenáročné na údržbu
Popis produktu
Zemiaky , Mrkva
Farma / Spracovanie / Balenie
Standard features
- External bearings throughout for longevity and ease of maintenance
- Touch screen HMI to control all functions
- Variable speed barrel drive
- Fully pintle lined barrel to maximise cleaning of crop
- High efficiency electric drives
- Fresh water spray bar to rinse the crop on exit
- Heavy duty top shaft with SEW drive & TorqLOC® shaft mounting system
Optional features
- Integrated de-stoner
- Cooper split bearings on top shaft
- Floating debris removal system - for the removal of wood, plastic & hollow heart potatoes
- Sludge removal system with full length auger and scraper elevator - reduced water consumption
- Digital remote panel for the outfeed door
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