Myčka sudov
Jemné, efektívne a efektívne riešenie na umývanie viacerých druhov plodín Kapacita až 100 tph Dĺžky sudov od 3m do 6m Priemery hlavne od 900 mm do 1700 mm Viaceré konfigurácie vyhovujú rôznym aplikáciám Robustný dizajn a konštrukcia Šetrné k úrode Hygienický dizajn exoskeletu Efektívne a nenáročné na údržbu
Popis produktu
Zemiaky , Mrkva
Farma / Spracovanie / Balenie
Standard features
- External bearings throughout for longevity and ease of maintenance
- Touch screen HMI to control all functions
- Variable speed barrel drive
- Fully pintle lined barrel to maximise cleaning of crop
- High efficiency electric drives
- Fresh water spray bar to rinse the crop on exit
- Heavy duty top shaft with SEW drive & TorqLOC® shaft mounting system
Optional features
- Integrated de-stoner
- Cooper split bearings on top shaft
- Floating debris removal system - for the removal of wood, plastic & hollow heart potatoes
- Sludge removal system with full length auger and scraper elevator - reduced water consumption
- Digital remote panel for the outfeed door
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